Milford Buildings Preservation Trust is delighted to announce the acquisition of several important sculptures which will be on permanent display at Milford House Collection. The acquisitions have been made possible through the very generous support of the Henry Moore Foundation and Decorative Arts Society.
Curator Stephen McManus explains their importance: " They are major acquisitions to Milford House Collection and match sculptures lost through the 1930 auction at Milford House after the McCrum family lost everything in the Wall Street crash in 1929. These sculptures add a new dimension to visitor experience telling the artistic tastes of Robert G. McCrum who created Milford. These sculptures are exceptional works of art in their own right and no other historic house or museum in Northern Ireland has sculptures like these so they provide vital education opportunities for visitors to understand their magnificence. We are extremely grateful to the Henry Moore Foundation and Decorative Arts Society for their support without which we could never have acquired these wonderful sculptures".
The following sculptures have been acquired through this project
The Runners
Two beautifully cast bronze figures on Egyptian porphyry plinths. These late 19th century sculptures are modelled on a pair of ancient Roman life-size bronze figures, found in the Villa of the Papyri, Herculaneum. Circa 1900. Matches a pair of sculptures in the Library.

“Hercules and the stymphalian bird” signed J Uphues (1850-1911) A high quality cast bronze of Hercules, poised on tiptoe, looking upwards and taking aim with a bow. Below the bronze base, which is signed J Uphues, is an oval green Tinos marble plinth. Joseph Uphues studied under R. Begas at the Berlin Academy and sculpted many monuments in Berlin and other German cities. He won a silver medal at the Exposition Universelle of 1900. One example of this bronze exists in the Forbs collection of Victorian Art. Circa 1890. This matches the bronze statue which stood in the Morning room

A finely carved white statuary marble figure of Psyche In Greek mythology, Psyche is the goddess of the soul and wife of Eros, god of love. She was the most beautiful girl in the world, much envied by Aphrodite, the goddess of love and beauty. In this sculpture she is portrayed with butterfly wings and in a reclining position on a floral covered plinth. Circa 1850. This matches the marble sculpture that was in the Morning Room.

Project made possible through the generous support of