The Hamilton family outside The Corner House in Milford Village Co. Armagh. Mrs. Hamilton was the first postmistress in Milford and had a post office in Hill Street, Mr. Hamilton was Headmaster at the Milford National School).
Rinty Monagahan (centre) a former world boxing champion from Belfast judging a beauty contest at the R.G Mc Crum Institute, invited along by Armagh Band Leader Hughie Trainor (extreme right) who played regularly at dances in Milford. The winnner was Violet Armstrong (second left). A runner up was Miss Vera Nugent (extreme left) whose grandfather Dinny Grimley, played at the open air dances in Ann Street and was fireman at Milford factory
Snooker in the R.G Mc Crum Institute. Reverend Forde Patterson partnered by David Clarke played John Quigley and Thomas Coote.

Milford House archived contains thousands of papers and photographs relating to the Mc Crum family, the Manor House School and Milford village. Mrs. Harriette Miller and her son William kept all the family papers ranging from letters, legal and financial papers, bills and receipts. These have been documented by William's son the Rev. John Miller, a mammoth undertaking to say the least. In 2007 the Rev. Miller and his wife Joan very generously donated the chest containing papers which date back to the eighteenth century. In addition they also gave all one and ninety eight letters written between R.G Mc Crum and his wife which were also documented and printed copy available.

The Mc Crum Family Archive is in itself an outstanding resource providing a unique insight into Victorian and Edwardian life and society in County Armagh. Altogether, this material allows the daily life of the family to be pieced together as well as giving detailed insights into the family's professional life.

Manor House School Parents Day 1961: Left to right- Phillipa Kennedy, Solveigh Acheson, Mary Lester, Penny Millar, Joanna Patterson, Sharon Dougan).
Miss Pauline Berryman Maths Teacher at Manor House School. From Audrey Mc Afee (attended MHS 1952-54)Collection
Mrs. Jean Killen Headmistress of Manor House School with Biddy the dog

The Manor House School papers where given to the Public Record Office by Mrs. G.T Wilson in 1967. Milford House Museum holds an archive some of the original school papers including letters written by girls at the school to their parents, copies of all the letters written by Mrs. Jean Killen during her eighteen years as Headmistress. The archive contains an exceptional collection of over five thousand photographs of the Manor House School which were taken by girls and staff at the school.

The archive also contains papers relating to the more recent history of Milford House including architectural photographs.

There is a vast archive of photographs of about ten thousand photographs of Milford village and people who lived in the village during the last two hundred years. Many were used in the book 'Red Bricks & Gold Memories' a history of Milford village by Joe Mc Manus.