The Dining Room at Milford House is celebrated for having a proper waterfall. This was located in an alcove in the side of the room with rocks and ferns and water cascading down it. There was a room behind it with machinery that kept it operating continuously. The Dining table sat 24 people and the centre of it had a fountain surrounded by twelve bronze cherubs. When Tony McCrum stayed in Milford House as a three year old boy in 1923 he said the chandelier was so big and hung so low over the table he was terrified it was going to fall and crush him! Robert G. McCrum entertained in great style and when there was a big court case in Armagh he invited the presiding Judges and their wives to stay at Milford.

The wallpaper is 'Seaweed' 1904 pattern William Morris Wallpaper to reflect the modern appearance of the Milford House Dining Room, the woodwork is painted mahogany to reflect the rich carving in Milford House Dining Room by Italian craftsmen. There is also a telephone in the room connecting to the Pantry, part of the internal telephone system.

Dining room 1