The kitchens were located very close to the dining room. Milford House being famous as the most technologically advanced house in nineteenth century Ireland meant that the kitchens must have been filled with all sorts of gadgets. It is known that R.G Mc Crum invented an electric dishwasher and electric kettle for the kitchens. This room ceased to be used as kitchens following the closure of the Manor House School. The Manor House Hospital had most of its catering brought in from Towerhill in Armagh City and used other parts of the house as kitchens and domestic offices.

There were originally three drop lights in this room. The space where the stoves stood can clearly be seen and there is evidence of a separate small bread/pastry oven.

One of the items advertised at auction from the kitchen was a Bacon slicer.

Manor House School 1940 inventory lists contents of kitchens as:

5 tables, 3chairs, wringer, 3 drop lights, 2 bulbs, clothes line

Please note Milford House and its parkland are in private ownership. They are not owned by Milford Buildings Preservation Trust. There is no public access to the property which is currently one of the top twelve listed buildings at most serious risk in Northern Ireland
